- capital loss
- потеря капитала (вследствие колебаний нормы процента)
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
capital loss — see loss Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. capital loss … Law dictionary
Capital loss — The difference between the net cost of a security and the net sale price, if that security is sold at a loss. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * capital loss capital loss ➔ loss * * * Loss when the sale of an asset yields less than… … Financial and business terms
capital loss — The difference between the net cost of a security and the sales price, if the security is sold at a loss. Also used in a more general context to refer to the market for stocks, bonds, derivatives and other investments. Bloomberg Financial… … Financial and business terms
capital loss — noun the amount by which the purchase price of an asset exceeds the selling price; the loss is realized when the asset is sold (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑financial loss * * * noun : the excess of book value or cost over the amount realized from the… … Useful english dictionary
Capital Loss — The loss incurred when a capital asset (investment or real estate) decreases in value. This loss is not realized until the asset is sold for a price that is lower than the original purchase price. A capital loss is essentially the difference… … Investment dictionary
capital loss — allowable capital loss The excess of the cost of an asset over the proceeds received on its disposal. Both individuals and companies may set capital losses against capital gains to establish tax liability. Since 1994 indexation is no longer… … Accounting dictionary
capital loss — allowable capital loss The excess of the cost of an asset over the proceeds received on its disposal. Both individuals and companies may set capital losses against capital gains to establish tax liability. Indexation is not permitted to create or … Big dictionary of business and management
capital loss — loss from the sale of assets, as of bonds or real estate. [1920 25] * * * … Universalium
capital loss — loss of equity … English contemporary dictionary
Capital Loss Carryover — The net amount of capital losses that aren t deductible for the current tax year but can be carried over into future tax years. Net capital losses (total capital losses minus total capital gains) can only be deducted up to a maximum of $3,000 in… … Investment dictionary
capital loss — A tax term used in reference to a loss incurred in the sale or exchange of a capital asset. Beginning in 1988, the classification as to short or long term capital losses is no longer relevant … Black's law dictionary